Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Many Faces of Cheesy Grits: More on Busboys and Poets

Fourteenth Street's Busboys and Poets continue to be a go-to destination to get out of the Polar Vortex. Mom and Dad cling to the fact they can for a fleeting moment sip cappuccinos amongst DC hipsters, and I can bang the spoon pretty loudly before anyone notices. As my appetite increases, so does our brunch tab. To minimize budget-busting, I usually bring something from home (e.g. clementines, cheese stick) and then Mom orders a side of fruit and Dad a side of the cheesy grits. The Oaxaca omelette, french toast, scrambled eggs and tempeh sausage continue to be a parent favorite. And when the grits arrive, I go all in and can't think of any other way to express my delight:

Read more about Busboys and Poets.

Learn ABOUT ME and check out some of my BEST PRACTICES for eating out.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Clyde's in Chinatown is Kid-Ready

You are off to a good start when you sit down to a packet of crayons and a coloring book. I also try to win over my waitress with a high-five and fist bump to send the message that no matter what the floor looks like post-meal, let's try to be friends until then. 

We went to Clyde's today before my first Georgetown Basketball Game, where I must proudly say, I made it until the final buzzer. For any of you uncertain parents or babies out, between the band, the music and the cheerleaders, you should go to a game. Basketball games might be the only thing more stimulating than the Baby Einstein Musical Motion Exersaucer

There was a kid's menu, but at $8 an entree, I was forced to share. I munched on pieces of the tasty croissant egg sandwich and breakfast burrito. I also brought some clementines and veggie sticks of my own. We had a booth so as the meal ended along with my attention-span, I was able to jungle gym over my very forgiving friends rather than beeline it for the door.  

Learn ABOUT ME and check out some of my BEST PRACTICES for eating out.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Nothing overly spectacular about the cuisine at 14th Street's Matchbox, but sometimes families traveling with little critters care more about predictability and high-ceilings than artesenal gastronomy. And that is exactly what Matchbox has to offer. Staff is laudably professional, not batting an eye at the sight of disheveled and snotty-nosed me.

Important note: the Chinatown and 14th Street Matchboxes offer raw pizza dough for kids to play with at the table, so remember to ask for it. 

Word on the playground is they will even bake your pizza dough sculpture in the oven for you. However, while I won't eat the 15 other things Mom brought for me, I gladly tried to eat lots of pizza dough! This latest Matchbox luncheon in which I managed to bite off large portions of dough encouraged my parents to do a little research. Pizza dough: totally fine.